Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts



It is important that you know some things first, before we move on to the preventive measures. The question that should first come to your mind here is WHY SHOULD I PROTECT MYSELF?

#1: It is not yet fully understood how people become infected with the MERS‐CoV.

#2: The source of the MERS-CoV is not yet fully clear. Only a few animals (e.g camels) have been suspected to be possible reservoirs.

#3: No vaccine or specific treatment is currently available.

The MERS-CoV can be transmitted from animals to humans (though this is not yet fully understood). However, the virus does not appear to pass easily from person to person unless there is close contact, such as providing unprotected care to an infected patient.


Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) as it is called, is a viral respiratory disease that is new to humans, caused by a coronavirus (MERS‐CoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. MERS affects the respiratory system (lungs and breathing tubes).

According to the WHO, only 26 countries have been affected so far. These countries are:

From the Middle East: Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen;

Europe: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, and the United Kingdom (UK);




Most of us are probably tired of the discordant sounds from the megaphones of the insecticide vendors; "e dey kill mosquito, dey kill cockroach, and spider. Don't allow mosquito to override you in your house o, ehen!"

You get to your workplace early in the morning, and instead of the captivating smell of Chanel No 5, all that oozes out from you is the smell of insecticides (different portions you've mixed like an herbalist).

I don't still seem to know how people easily detect the real thing smelling. Probably they're secretly in your shoes too (me just pondering).

We've tried various 'species' of insecticides on just one specie of insect, yet, nothing seems to be working. There is God o, all these people that are selling us fake products. They should continue, God will see us.



It's a very common advice, that after embarking on a fast (especially a long one), water (most especially), or any drink at that (but not alcoholic) should be the first thing to take after breaking, then afterwards, light foods.
Some people have attached spirituality to it, while others have taken it as matter of generality, while not even knowing if it's right or not. Like the saying, "a lie spoken frequently often becomes the truth".

Now, let's forget about the spirituality or the generality, and go straight to the medical side and implication of this. Why should you take water or something light after a period of fasting?

This is not a matter of religion or spirituality, but it is very important that you take something light after a period of fasting in order to avoid what is known medically as REFEEDING SYNDROME.

Refeeding syndrome occurs when a person recovering from a period of starvation (fasting) is fed too rapidly i.e too fast, and this could be dangerous and sometimes fatal.


Health benefits of eating placenta 'unproven'

After giving birth, many women opt to consume their placentas for multiple health benefits. A new review of studies investigating placenta consumption, however, has failed to uncover any scientific evidence for these benefits, or that the practice is risk-free.

The study, published in Archives of Women's Mental Health involved a review of 10 published research studies on placentophagy - the practice of consuming placentas after childbirth. Four of these were human studies and six were animal studies deemed relevant to human practice.
During pregnancy, the placenta develops within the uterus to provide oxygen and nutrients for the baby and to remove waste products from its blood. When the child is born, the placenta is usually delivered shortly afterward.