

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of Advanced Glycation End Products within the body. These factors include:


As stated in AGEs, FOOD SUBSTANCES THAT ARE INVOLVED, dietary Advanced Glycation End Products (dAGEs) are present in some foods (particularly meat, also butter and so on).

Meats high in protein and fat are likely to form AGEs during cooking.


Cooking methods that use high temperatures to brown or char foods, such as grilling, frying, roasting, baking, steaming, microwaving and broiling, have the largest impact on the amount of AGEs consumed.

Life style factors such as smoking, drinking, sleep deprivation, inactivity and so on worsen the metabolism of AGEs within the body.

Smoking elevates the level of AGEs in the blood. AGEs are formed when tobacco leaves are dried in the presence of sugars. While smoking, AGEs are absorbed into the lungs. It’s being discovered that smokers have higher AGEs in their blood stream than non-smokers.

In addition, people who are sleep deprived have higher circulating AGEs. During sleep, the body does most of its tissue growth and repair, making it better able to defend itself against AGEs.

Sleep, daily activity, and stress reduction play important roles, along with diet, to reduce AGEs.


Prolonged hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and oxidative stress in diabetes result in the increased production and accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the kidney.

Prevention is better than cure they say. These are easily avoidable things we can do away with.


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